
Pffffffffffhhhhhh - so, one could not be arsed NOT having a blog as everyone else has and it seeems like a bit of a buzz so here it is. Where do ya start? First the earth cooled, then the dinosaurs came, then died and turned into oil, arabs in mercedes sold them... blah blah bloggedy blog blog... it's monday, the beginning of the week and the month and the year - let's see where we go from here... our cat Samuel Longhorn Clemens (or "Sam" for short) is running around like a proverbial blue arsed fly, and why not, crap German telly echoes in the background and I sip tea. Tee hee hee. Any questions? There will be a test later.
You should have a picture of a pig instead - coz you're always farting and burping at me! :op
Excellent, Mr. G. Somewhere in your Blogger settings, there should be an option to turn on the blog's "Atom" feed, so geeks like me get automatic notification of updates from yourself.
Off you go. L@ng3r
and somewhere else else there should be an optionm where you can delete all the comments by that wanker too!
ps coek boy, im supposed to be shagging nadine tomorrow night, think paul got here the night before.....ot the one before that....or both!.
nah in fact she can feck awf...oh yes, and i now have a fecking computer to fix! text me at ypur convenience mr orangutang, hairy ginger bolluxed, langer bastard!
........ps! I do so truly hope that this sets a precedent for theis much loved blog.......arse!
I have bookmarked this place and so expect to spend ridiculous amounts of time here from now on...
well, well, well good people - where does one start -firstly tania - I've never farted, or burped in my life. Or lied. Dave, i shall look into this "atom" feed lark - good buzz. Ian you loony - you're a loony. Prof MacFromage you can blame yourself for all this - I blame the parents. Meanwhile Phil MacChin has also just started a blerg (as they say in France) too - the great steaming nit... http://polisraid.blogspot.com/
it's jist a load o' fuckin' shite
a load o' fuckin' shite ah tell ye
aw shite naethin' guid ataw in it not a fuckin' thing aw shite youse cunts think yer fuckin' smart wi' yer blogs an' clogs an' aw tha' but yer jist aw full o' shite jist pure shite an tha's no' the only thing it's fuckin' crap as well jist pure fuckin' crap typical o' that cunt geraghty an' his likes an' his kith an' his kin next eel be pittin'oan a fuckin' fancy englified accent tae try tae imfuckinpress us but we'll no be tha' easy imfuckinpressed the best thing tae dae wid be tae bile yer fuckin' hieds
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