Friday, May 12, 2006

Me, yesterday.


At 9:04 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

mm, had a haircut I see........
and, is that a beard trim?
.... :D

At 9:45 p.m., Blogger Gero said...

indded, and dye job.

At 10:50 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said... u put dreads on that..
it would look not a little dissimialr to a certain irish barman..........

and no, thats not ya Ma! - she has a
ginger Moustache, not a beard.

(Captain challenging may be gone, but his legacy lingers on. :D )

At 10:51 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said... u put dreads on that..
it would look not a little dissimialr to a certain irish barman..........

and no, thats not ya Ma! - she has a
ginger Moustache, not a beard.

(Captain challenging may be gone, but his legacy lingers on. :D )

At 7:08 a.m., Blogger Gero said...

for one with such qualificatins in all things computery, why do you post the same thing twice? What are you, some kind of twat?

At 10:49 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

well everything is contagious but beauty
so posting twice is live been in have i got news for you. twice

gero you rock with that beard , what does flo thinks about it ?

At 12:38 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

He likes to lick ice cream off it.
and he still with Laura?
I havent received any abuse off either of them.

At 12:40 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

and yes, the they dont call me
"taffy two twats" for nothing you know!

hence two posts.
you should be greatful,,
I only billed Ya Ma once!!
"Drilled".that was more than once.....


ok, Ill drop the Ma jokes, just thought I'd go out on a high,
so to speak


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