Bloggedy Blogedy MacBligiddy O'Blag

ah sure jeasuz tiz yerself again arra now what would ya be doin wastin yer time with this shite when there's so much other shite to be wasting your time with like, at_all@all... so today's transpirations: michel's lying on a beach in goa, india - niiiiice; dave langer and ian twat are kissing and making up - aaaahhh; scruffy shagged nadine - aledgedly; paul and his lady friend are pondering life back in the auld cun tree - fairy nuff; phil the great steaming nit has got a blog now too, as well as something to smoke courtesy of the bangkok police - rastafari; ice skating in germany is ill advised - ooh, topical; and you're never fully dressed without a smirk, you berk.
Yeah, just thinking of it - but now I am already thinking it would be a mistake. Perhaps we just need a move to a more fucking interesting part of london. Out here we are in tory monoculture land - Laura's job demands such. But maybe there is a solution...
Still, she wants to live in Dublin at some stage before going to America so maybe it would be okay. All just ideas at present...
Say, has Derham got a blog anywhere?
Mc Twigglets!
mcgoolie shouln't you be breast feeding? are you gonna set up your own blerggh - you should man - give you something to do in work ;o) meanwhile, mr. peck - speaking as one who emigrated and returned twice and then emigrated again - it wouldn't be my cup of tea - but then that'd be with magick mushies which wouldn't be your kettle of fish... anyway there's no harm in t'inkin' - if I ever went back I'd go west - galway or so. Derham doesn't have a blog that I know of but he has a birthmark in the shape of a dolphin, and a commendable attitude problem. Ian see you in Flynz later you sheepshagging shyster!
Your blog has been atomised. Proud of you, grasshopper. Pray convey my greetings to all in Karl's Rest.
(possibly a new word ther.................)
this cunt ian obviously has a severely deflated opinion about his own insignificance. get a dick man.
Dear Gero,
I run a blog advisory service for parents of young children. I find your blog shallow in the extreme, your correspondents illiterate boors and the general content childish. The constant references to fornication indicate a particularly immature attitude towards one of life's more pleasurable activities. Pleasurable that is to those of us who are capable of rising above the animal level at which your correspondents selfishly indulge themselves. I strongly object to the way in which one poster in particular, ian, talks about women as though they were some commodity in one of those tawdry cheap supermarkets which have proliferated in direct proportion to the number of colored people in our society. I hope some woman has the sense to one day stand up for her self-respect and give him a fucking good kick in the goolies.
Can anybody post here or is it exclusively for intellectuals ? I only ask because it seems that the content is somewhat highbrow, serious and lacking in humor. Rather what we would expect from pseudo-intellectual fuckwits from Ireland and Wales. Are there no really funny american contributors ? I just love american humor. It's the best. Read any of Donald Rumsfeld's speeches to see what I mean. If you don't make a decent effort to improve the content of your blog I'm afraid I'll have to take the unprecedented step of black-balling it - and you. You have been warned.
paul ur just a cunt anyway. Happy new year 2 u.
What a splendid suggestion Templeton. I do like but I cannot guarantee any livening up of the levels of intellectual debates, that would be something you would have to stimulate. Possibly with your stinky finger. I think your technique of finger-sniffing is the best, so we have nothing to debate, I acknowledge a master finger-sniffer when I am in its presence. But I am sure others will disgree and thus create the nucleus of an interesting, elevating and amusing debate, not to mention a chance for all of us to read your paralysingly boring pontifications about yourself and your slightly less than fascinating life.
Alas, I was torn away from this pinnacle of a, hypothetically at least, illuminati's watering hole. This unfortunate state of affairs was brought about by both my departure from the land of slaggyschlamperpants and the ensuing travels within the european continent. I trust that my proponants may wish me well, whilst I once again endevour to, ever so humbly, place words of utter vulgarity and profanity into the mouths of small children, whilst, simultanously raising the hackles of our beloved anonymous wanker breathren and thier jezebel partners in slime. may piss be upon you , my fellow erudites!
god bless.
Hi Simon, isn't it sad that a friendly, happy guy like yourself cannot start up a fun blog without attracting that scum of blogs, the cowards of the forum - the anonymous flamers. If it were my blog I would simply have all anonymous posts automatically deleted. In fact on my blog ALL posts are automatically deleted, including those from me.
However, in defence of the indefensible, I have to say that posters like Ian, who, I am told by my good friend Emily, is an OK guy, do tend to cause a prickling of the hair on my neck. Not that he says anything at all controversial, but jeezuz H Christ man, get a fucking dictionary. Three spelling errors in four words is hardly conducive to one's being taken as anything other than the thickest of thickies. Even on a paddy's blog.
Gordonius Rex
well...If I was irish, (with a small "i") and I was named after a blotchy, insipidly white part of my very own lower, rear regions (i.e, your very own ARSE, (Specified just in in case the previous speaker is anatomically, as well as cerebrally challenged, like) then yes I too would raise my VERY OWN hackles!
BUT! there light at the end of this otherwise shallow and foetid tunnel,as I suspect there aforesaid, unfortunately named TWAT has, very likely raised very little else over the last few years. Its is, then with GREAT PLEASURE and eternal, bubbling joy, I do, infact look forward to arousing the only erectile tissue left in this poor, poor afflicted souls, meaningless existance. Its nice to think that ive actually given someone a good reason to (consider why they?) live!
P.S, my mum helps me with my spelling now and, isnt it odd how there is both a little "i" specified here, in relation to th eprevious bloggers comment and the fact theat it is also the 2nd letter of sImons name...then 2nd of anything is the one after your "pointy" finger, if ya Irish like :)
pps, I thought there was only 1 "Z" in jeezus....
Well, in response to ian and gordon - gordon - inability to spell has nothing to do with hintelligentz, or sew they seigh. ian - you're so boring and predictable and conformist and ordinary - and unsarcastic. But you've got a great pair of tits. Gordon, you don't - but emily told me you give a great blow job. Whose round is it?
Ian, I no u r not irush that is obliovous frum ur totallly fuckin boringnessness and ur unmitigating welshness no wunder the welsh are haated wurldwyd and there mums who canyt speel wurt a fuck r haated 2
jeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzuzzzzzzz simon tis yourself who would be telling me that inability to spell has nothing to do with intelligence. Ian the Severn Bore has made that obvious, so why repeat it ? Are you trying to make him look even smaller than he already is ?
As to my prowess as blow-jobber, I doubt Emily is a capable judge of that, but yourself would surely know a good one from a bad one.
What time are we assembling at Flynnz on Friday ? I know that you Irish chappies are sticklers for puntualitiness. If you see Flynn, tell him he's a bollox.
Ian, I no u r not irush that is obliovous frum ur totallly fuckin boringnessness and ur unmitigating welshness no wunder the welsh are haated wurldwyd and there mums who canyt speel wurt a fuck r haated 2
jeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzuzzzzzzz simon tis yourself who would be telling me that inability to spell has nothing to do with intelligence. Ian the Severn Bore has made that obvious, so why repeat it ? Are you trying to make him look even smaller than he already is ?
As to my prowess as blow-jobber, I doubt Emily is a capable judge of that, but yourself would surely know a good one from a bad one.
What time are we assembling at Flynnz on Friday ? I know that you Irish chappies are sticklers for puntualitiness. If you see Flynn, tell him he's a bollox.
flynn is already fully aware of his bollockivity. Assemblage will take place at precisely approximately a quarter past fridayish or thereabouts. More or less.
Simon, I am very, very sorry for sending my last post twice. Very sorry.
Sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused you or is likely to cause you in the future. Sorry about that.
In fact I am sorry that I sent it once. Now I'm not sure if I should be twice as sorry or half as sorry for sending it twice as I would be for only sending it once.
I am glad to see that Ian has not only been taking spelling lessons but has also learned to count, albeit only to one. He is, for once, absolutely right. There is only one Z in jezus. The world will be a better place for this revelation. He is right to be proud of his achievements in pattern recognition and mathematics.
This is a major milestone in his development which may one day help to lead him out of adolescence. Perhaps with a little help from his mummy he will now be able to work out how many Zs there are in jezuz.
Cursez! I thought Id solved that one....damned Schroedinger and his Katz! for adolescence.PAh! 2nd childhood, Im still enjoying the first!.....and better take some crayons along for that Gordon "MacMyOwnArsehole" chappy, since form his writing, I think hell find them easier to hold - between his toes! apparently some tribes of Irish bog men cold deftly dangle from a twig with one foot , while peeling a bananna with another! Amazing skills, good to see they're not lost. Any idea what they used to put thier beeswaz/goat sturds/bat gullets hairgel on with though?
an inigma!
Mc Sporanny Mc Spliggoty,
the Jocks are all higgledy.......
..............and Piggledy,
but down in the Glens,
where the young boy bends
those red headed celts,
come over................
...............all Giggly
Nor indeed, nearly as quizziccal as the strange local custom, observed whilst partaking of a soup in a small village in Africa, whereby there was to be noticed, the foot of a neighbouring villagers child, protruding, most glumly, form the pot.
Who do?
the Yappillokians or the Plopsters?
But it is good to be reminded of where my mothers part time eloqution and spellling employment resides....
It is also good to be reminded , from time to time, what a fine, upstanding Member that man fact, it would be quite hard to overlook such a fine example of a member, especially considering that ones fortuitous literary positioning....
Ode To The Twat...
whether swimming down a river
or nestling in your lap
theres nothing quite as splendid as a freshly discoverd twat.
The odour is pure wonderous
the texture is a joy
what bliss it is
to give it a kiss
so pleased that Im a boy
but twats can be like magnets
where never the twain doth meet
or curiosly opposite
where they pair up under sheets
but this is just a little ditty
to share with you my glee
but then I was reminded of the titties
whilst glancing up from bended knees.
anonymouses little brother
ew! How uncouth!
I'ts put me right off my salami sandwich.
And, isnt there two "z"s in Profezzor?..and shouldnt one, NEVER start a sentance with "And" , and, shouldnt one never follow a coma with and , and ...........ooh bugger!
isnt there a "z" In Yyyaaaaaaaaaayy".........somewhere?
and apart form that , ta for walking this very same pebble as me for some amount of time. Not sure quite how long, so maybe we could add to the list of hideous murders, by chopping off the head and then counting the rings!......solve one Mystery, create another! ooh, the intricate balance of life!
happy smellsday Langer! :-p
balls! He didnt tell me it was an INFLATABLE sheep!
your a what? I know my spelling is somewhat retarded, but, never,NEVER in my wildest dreams would I name a females undercarriage after the noise made but a shit shovelling pig!
go get and set up then i can arse about with your flip flop
(possibly a new word ther.................)
Alas, I was torn away from this pinnacle of a, hypothetically at least, illuminati's watering hole. This unfortunate state of affairs was brought about by both my departure from the land of slaggyschlamperpants and the ensuing travels within the european continent. I trust that my proponants may wish me well, whilst I once again endevour to, ever so humbly, place words of utter vulgarity and profanity into the mouths of small children, whilst, simultanously raising the hackles of our beloved anonymous wanker breathren and thier jezebel partners in slime. may piss be upon you , my fellow erudites!
god bless.
well...If I was irish, (with a small "i") and I was named after a blotchy, insipidly white part of my very own lower, rear regions (i.e, your very own ARSE, (Specified just in in case the previous speaker is anatomically, as well as cerebrally challenged, like) then yes I too would raise my VERY OWN hackles!
BUT! there light at the end of this otherwise shallow and foetid tunnel,as I suspect there aforesaid, unfortunately named TWAT has, very likely raised very little else over the last few years. Its is, then with GREAT PLEASURE and eternal, bubbling joy, I do, infact look forward to arousing the only erectile tissue left in this poor, poor afflicted souls, meaningless existance. Its nice to think that ive actually given someone a good reason to (consider why they?) live!
P.S, my mum helps me with my spelling now and, isnt it odd how there is both a little "i" specified here, in relation to th eprevious bloggers comment and the fact theat it is also the 2nd letter of sImons name...then 2nd of anything is the one after your "pointy" finger, if ya Irish like :)
pps, I thought there was only 1 "Z" in jeezus....
Cursez! I thought Id solved that one....damned Schroedinger and his Katz! for adolescence.PAh! 2nd childhood, Im still enjoying the first!.....and better take some crayons along for that Gordon "MacMyOwnArsehole" chappy, since form his writing, I think hell find them easier to hold - between his toes! apparently some tribes of Irish bog men cold deftly dangle from a twig with one foot , while peeling a bananna with another! Amazing skills, good to see they're not lost. Any idea what they used to put thier beeswaz/goat sturds/bat gullets hairgel on with though?
an inigma!
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