9/11 Can of Worms

Just to piss Ian and Paul off and reopen this can of worms,
have a look a this - newsworthy via a celebrity (and a gimp)...
Charlie Sheen comes out, Matt Damon says "I'm Matt Damon".
have a look a this - newsworthy via a celebrity (and a gimp)...
Charlie Sheen comes out, Matt Damon says "I'm Matt Damon".
facking Yunks!
walsh twet!
trot bogger
just Keeping it bubbling like
I reckon September 11th never even happened - they just skipped from September 10th to September 12th and progammed our minds with September 11th. That's my hat in the poitcal ring.
and for sad twats that prefer their infoi in sugar coated TV Format....fucking Tv's!
mmmm, and ya heads up ya own ring?
its true what i heard then, oh yes,
and your a bollux!
sorry, nearly forgot
just for you, cos ya Errush like!
blah blah blah.
may I suggest a career in politics?
...and America especially!
youd go down a treat.....again, unfortunatley, a tad like Gero's Ma!
note, the CAPITAL "M" there..a sign of both endearment and respect.
m I wonder why nobody votes anymore?...
("its a wonderful , wonderful wooooooorld," plays sweetly in th ebackground as Herr Simpleton dances off gayly into the sunset hand in hand with all the nice people who run the planet care and cherish for us, whilst having given up the trappings of the material world , in place of a more holistic approach to existence........)
ya know, if Geros Ma wont be using her return ticket, can I borrow it and come visit this fantastic p[lanet you live on?.thats since I assume His mum is now freelancing down the docks for a while like....
all my love, SpaRtIcuS
and, Have a read, gerra perspective! :P
Militarised Clone!
He he you made me laugh Ian.
I had the same instant reaction
.ouuta da mouths of babes, sucklings, twats and princessessess...sses - of the dead type.
.mmm, a babe.....mmmm, been a while...
what the hell are you talking about?
i use firefox coz microsoft's shite.
As regards all that other stuff:
er...........wot on earth haS a hardcore WebHogger like Templebottoms been using all this time? surely not MicroShafts InterVire Infector?
your a very baaaaad teddy herr TempleHof.take yourself outside and give yourself 40 Lashes....
if you can last that long without "going off" with the excitement like
:D.in other news,Im gonna be spicing my blog in a bit, I fancy a change...
I was about to write it here, to educate you like...then thought better of it....
cos you'd link us to death in your new found excitement(and possibly excrement)
I quite like the monlogues and Id hate to see them shrink, since I live in a cold mountain hovel, and, one day you WILL release
....."The Best rants of Herr Wobblebottoms effluent"
come that glorious day, I shall never be in search of Fire lighting material again!
I would truly be shooting myself in the foot ...unlike the Said potential auther who prefers the Belly of Big Mama Gero as the receptal of his bounteous Issue....
ooh, al right then!
followed by
"http://www.blahbla bit "
all enclosed in " "
then there is a
!! > see, so there was an opening one and a closing one... <>
voila! everything needs matching pairs (more or less)
now to finish it off
see" even a retarding belly dance with eyes on small stills, surrealy painting th ebottom of th eroof , of a mouth.cna see the simplistictlytasic mannerism of good ol html
whic actually is dea dnow,
try xhtml.ooh, did i say Dhtml? ah no, sorry i meant XMl with extionsins.blah blah blah
"mummy,,,,,,mummy, ohh white light..is that you?"
ah! btw DONT do th e!! they are escape charecxters so that blogger doesn read anything after them as html instructions.maybe! we shall see after I post.
failing all that in your browser, hit "view/source code" and that shopuld give you some idea, with any page
argh! the first bit was missing! twats, should be
< lets see what happens this time?
a href =" "
with a space after teh a, jsut stick em all together,, ie
in fact
a href = "www.gerosMajugs.ie">Write th ewords you want to highlight here,ie Saggy jugsman!
then finish of with < /a> just stick those charecters togetehr
oh and dont forget a
before th ehref thing.
guwss id better not give up the day job huh?
just to make it 30 like....that number
has been bothering me for ages!
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