Friday, March 31, 2006

Homage to clever Ian

A picture paints a thousand words, thou welsh twat.
Happy Weekend y'all!


At 11:59 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy fools day to you.

At 2:17 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

Why thank you ,
thank you, and

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my team, since I couldnt work Alone to acieve such gretness!

first of all I would like to thank My Foreign Affairs coerrespondant,
Mr Gertiatric Spatula Mc FLaggellation

without whom I would be mere Rumour in foreing Climes..and whos foreign affairs did indeed, induce a few rumours, but thats all in th epast now and he reached the settlement with his "paper boy" out of court - and heres to wishing him all th ebest with the provate action brought forth by th elads cjiww..chiwouw...c.!^%$...terrier!

Secondly Id like to thank My Coach the Illustrious Herr Wobble-Squiton-On, without whoms aversion therapy and training in the the subtle art of long tedious Posts I would just go on...and.on..........and

and Finally of course Id like to give my Heart felt throbbings,er thanks, to My Personal Assitant!

That princess of Pazazz and snappy one liners, without whom I would come across as the tedious boring twat I truly am!
She has an ability to dress mutton as lamb, (I particularly liked her work in "the Lamb goes down on Welshway" - she cuts a good figure in fresh sheep skins!),
to winkle out deeply entrenched yet subtly veiled truths (such as in her seminal work, "Oi! shut the fuck up you stupid, dense, ugly thick, useless..fucking slagbag.. WOMAN!!!" - which recived much critical acclaim) and always manges to make me RISE to the occasion, Bring forth that , of which I can be Proud , and generally show me a good time.......with anyone, wherever I may be!
ANd her hourly rate his pretty good too!

so, thank you, Team TWAT

without you I would just be the same as any other TWAT , but working together as equals?.....


Thank you!
from the Heart of my bottom!

At 4:09 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

wooo hooo!

watch the Temperature rise...

At 1:03 a.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

feel the PAIN!!!

At 5:32 p.m., Blogger Gero said...

ha ha! that was good. But you aren't half full of tripe ian.

Hmmm- missed the opportunity for an April fools day post - oh well... they're always foolish enough anyway...

At 10:51 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ma afraid you still come acrross as tedious, chauvenistic carrot with not inkling in the female soul.

At 12:46 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

I've been winkling my way into the female soul for years.
..thats why I HATE you all!.....

Mwaaa Haaaa hAaaaa haahahJhjHajhhKH
"take Two carrots into the shower?
not me!
i just Whore and go!........"
(its a pun on a UK advert madamsky!)

At 1:32 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

the carrot joke is getting boring now,
what you need is Vidal Sasson Wash and Go and a Cocktail called Madame Bovary.

btw does anybody know Ian ? or is he a casual blog surfer?

also in the other blog is that you with the beard?

At 1:59 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...


whos' gettign stroppy then?

and as for th ebearded wonder? well, it migh tbe. Please Excuse th eneck brace, you'll be pleased to know, it was broken at the time,
Bummer eh?
so near and yet so far...

At 3:05 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

far is the way I like it , I dont like bears or students

At 3:11 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

hee hee, and btw, theres very litle "casual" about me!

right, im off to ge a life for a bit

At 4:18 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

and I guess u definately wouldnt like my bear behind then!

oops, Im supposed to be getting a life!!.eek

At 6:51 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont like beards or those silly students who think they are clever who in fact don t know nothing.
The only thing I know is that i know nothing.
blah blah blah blah

At 6:55 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

who said that?
..and what did they say?...
..........and what happened to the Bears?

I liked the bears!

At 8:54 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

or tepid little "furry front bum" beards?
....fuzzy little beetle bonnets even?

At 10:20 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 12:50 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

sounds about right for a frigid , whining spic.

I Hate SPANI-Be-ards

I can shave! hahaha,

infact, i have and ITS GONE!!.*shock*

However, little miss tiny mind is still HERE, like an annoying noise, mosquito styleeeee, waiting for a good slapping against a wall

Viva la *SlAp!!*

now, be nice, or master the art of insults!
otherwise, as you so nicely put it some comments ago

shut the fuck up!



Gestalt therapy, its fantatsic.
and google that too, before you bother me with ya dumb arse question.

nice cup of tea anyone?

At 2:35 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

prove that you have shaved that beard, just go and shoot yourself, no need for gestal therapy...or governmental money
coffee anyone???


At 5:59 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK I will be nice, i am nice, see??


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