Monday, January 30, 2006

imagine life like this,
with people asking you -
what's it like to be like that?
And you thinking -
what's it like to not be like this?

What's it like being you?


At 8:11 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess being flo is very chilled out...
loads of shampoo...
can't calculate the amount of munchies...
spongebob squarepants...

do you also like patrick star more than spongebob himself ?

life is hard, back to the tellie...

At 10:21 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

,,,,,,,er, Id better not go there..and is there STILL a fat fuck piccy on this site?- shocking, !
exams finished, Ill be back when pic has passed

At 4:03 p.m., Blogger Gero said...

actually ian, what it's like being you would make a hell of a read!

Florianovich, what it's like being your afro would make a hell of a documentary...

At 2:31 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

so bring it on then... :P

"life and death of a culture" could be the title for a movie ;)

At 2:14 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought i was mad but you hilariously mad


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