Rant No.1

I always wanted to know what the fuck it is that everyone else wanted to know. Did anybody ever really know? We seem to battle with ourselves, and each other. Without doubt, it is all subjective and relative and transient. We all die anyway. Some of us try to figure out what the fuck it is that keeps us going, what keeps us from ending it all. “Suicide is easy.” It is easy. Maybe there are better things to do with your life than just end it by your own hand. But what is better? Live life as an experiment? ...Just keep going until you formulate or articulate something that may help somebody else stay alive long enough to help somebody else stay alive long enough ….. repeat ad lib till fade…… So for example, we can try like a bastard to articulate precisely how hard it may seem to bother your better judgment to stay alive in this farce that calls itself modern society where everything is judged by its’ financial value… FUCK THAT. That’s not what keeps people alive. That’s what makes people kill themselves. Because the truth is that we’ve been lied to from the day we were born. Not blaming the parents (who worked with what they knew - love). But should’nt we, their offspring, have learned something they didn’t have the chance to learn? Possibly, we’ve learned that we should be less judgmental. We are all only human, after all. So maybe we should be easy on ourselves, and each other. And where does that leave us? Right where we started - wondering what the fuck it’s all about. So you wake up in the morning with the responsibilities that you have to deal with and then what? You try to get through life the best you can, and you’re tired at the end, and somewhat less altruistic than different parts of the day found you (tired, hungry, apathetic, enthusiastic, apologetic, pathetic…) Alright already, go to bed, stay smiling… Shutthefuckup.
Society is the product of mans system of combating mans inherent nature.
this came to me th eother day.whilst on the crapper actually, pondering where the last sheet of toilet paper and gone.then to how toilet papaer came to be there in th efirst place, then my reliance on it, followed by the sam for food....
thenext thing i knew i was in a fotal position on th edamp carpet screaming "mea Culpa..MEA CULPA"
.remember kids....don't do truth.truth is baaaaaaaaaad!
I'm addicted to truth man! I gotsta have it!!
"man contiually mistakes his limitataions for those of the world."
oe somethign liek it , form a toile twall in uni, where philosophy act big and hard.the only palce they can, in amongst all th ehomos writing homo things it would apper..not really the place to be caught acting "big and hard" one would think....
as for suicide, to be in that place/.basically you you just want everything to stop, th esource of ur pain and suffering to be removed.if it cant then "fuck you all!" and you remove yourself.
(Been there, HAVENT done that - "Ian, what havent you done man?...."er, dont go there!")
no longer a lifeteime of regret, but possibly an eternity of regret...or of being a pig if oyour a Krishna devotee, possibly a naked tree (anyone ever seen a clothed on?)
p.s are comments supposed to be deep and meaningful?...mmmm,......... ya ma blows goats!
virtually synchronised blogging!¬ wow! th etempletonseses(Z?) are abroad!
eek!.Ive dropped my curry with shock
(I wonder if he caught me outside HIS window, whne his Mrs was in the shower, with MY laptop.and that long cabled webcam??!! hee ehe hee)
er.........I did :(
curses! maybe thats why ya mrs didnt respond in a suggestive manner......(is a flying vase and a shrill scream, responsive?)
actually, shes not a bad shot!.......Oh, excuse me...fone..
"hello? ah yes,......yes a taxi please.....yes casualty......yes, round th eback of A&E yes, the laceration minutes......25 minutes?? oh, ok..*Click*
shit shit shit, whats the book say?...
"How to stop arterial bleeding..",
Ice, k, got a bag of peas....
Compression.OOOwwwww, must still be some glass in there.....ew, i feel queasy....
Elevatation?..well I do fele a little light headed....mother.......si that you mother..............grann?.........granny?.....oooh pretty lights......
excellent! thall help wash away th e poo form the previous postingS comments...not sure kitty will be so impressed though!
ohh, hang on, Im supposeed ot be dead!...bugger, I even managed to cock that up!
fucking highlanders and their inherent immortality!
curses, another eternity of busting for a dump.......
"Next time you cast me as eternal..GIVE ME AN ARSEHOLE!!..........
Punk god bitch, mother tossing, langering....teuretonic gods!
etc etc"
(cunning word play at th eend there i fear!)
Sooooo, apart from wee wee, poo, blown goats, facials and suicide I'm surprised that ear wax, snot and saliva have been inadvertently left out. Shocking.
Anyway 4 wot it's worth - I think going through with suicide isn't easy, but it's the easy way out (if you know what I mean - choosing to not do it when you are truly suicidal - that's hard) but it's also THE most selfish thing you can do. Plus, as one of you mentioned (in the middle of the bodily functions) things change - my mate who topped himself wouldn't have expected a church full with 800 people 2 days after he hung himself from a tree - me thinks he felt quite alone at that point. Anyway that's all mere conjecture - as people who have successfully done themselves in, can't be asked about it.
Meanwhile, as for the root cause of society's and our own probelms not being addressed and therefore creating a cyclical inevitability - that's what a lot the "great" minds from history have been striving for/against (on both a personal and society level) daVinci, Einstein, Wilde, Orwell, Wogan, O'Donnell...
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