Monday, February 27, 2006

Fasching: Germans in Humour Shocker

For those of you who aren't aware, it's that time of year again, Fasching (also known as Karneval or Fastnacht) when Germans go loopy, dress like lunatics, run around being daft in parades, have crazy parties, and drink with wanton abandon. It's great fucking fun and particularly refreshing for us foreigners who have to put up with them for the rest of the year! (Dass war nur ein Witz, glaub mir!) Even the police join in. Who said they'd no sense of humour?


At 9:37 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Narri Narro!

At 10:28 p.m., Blogger Gero said...

Narri Narro, Flo of the Needed Haircut?

Comment Deleted? What the Fuck?

Paul, that policeman is actually my drug dealer. And gay lover. He's a better drug dealer than lover.

Tania says this isn't true - not sure if she means he's a better lover than drug dealer or that he's not my gay lover at all. You decide...

At 11:21 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think his nose is real and the rest is a mask

At 11:26 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey simo, see that image with all the aul' ones in it?! don't you think the woman in the foreground is Vera Duckworth?

At 11:37 p.m., Blogger Gero said...

She does indeed look like Mrs. Jack Duckworth, possible on holiday in Germany. Don't mention the wart

At 2:49 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can be anything you want to be if you put you mind to it. Be that fake nose you always wanted to be. I suggest you go around and pretend to sniff peoples asses. As the wise man said: "do ith and thou become ith"(I heard he had a lisp) do I know you simpleton?

At 11:27 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

is that you with the big nose?

At 9:47 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

.why pretend/..
woh! whilst dealing drugs and humping SLimo..
one will be far more satisfying and productive! than the other.

guess which?

answers on a post card please, to

the TWAT
Heol y Twat
Twat y ffynon

and EMZ!!!

how are we ol' mammaried one?

At 6:55 p.m., Blogger Gero said...

ian, buy a dikshunayri.

Emz, Ath Thniffing thoundth good.

Templeton in London, meet Emily in Cork. Lunatics one and all.

La_P - no it's not me - that's me the baby with the big mouth

At 9:57 a.m., Blogger Dave Whyte said...

"Dass war nur ein Witz, glaub mir!"?! What happened to the Teutophobe Gero I knew and loved, who would proudly stand by any racial slur, especially one directed at les Allemands? For shame!

At 11:30 a.m., Blogger Gero said...

Ach ja, ich bin nur ein gaste in deise wonderschönes land, gel?

At 7:20 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

temp.. handsome freak, eh?! I could deal with that! Pleasure to sniff you too!

Ian hon'! Story baoy? How's coll?
would I be called a lesbian if I wanted to visit Twatsea? I heard it has a nice landscape but very smelly aparently. have any of ye been there?

At 10:40 p.m., Blogger Schpengle said...

"kiss me where it smells funny then give me 8 inches until I bleed"

.she said..........

so he drove her to port talbot , shagged her twice then punched her teeth out!

most excellent! :P

At 2:17 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...



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