Gordon's Birrrthdy
Gordon MacScottishbastardyfuckwit celebrates his birthday today, so in his mamory (sic) it's only proper and fattening that we throw something Scottish up here. Well, at least, throw up...

I hasten to add that Gordon MacCaledonianvagina isn't arrogant.
He's aghast, aggrieved and aggreable - unless you're a pissed colin,
or standing near a Christmas tree, or he's had a bad day.
He's also aggrophobic - that's why he likes pubs.
He's aghast, aggrieved and aggreable - unless you're a pissed colin,
or standing near a Christmas tree, or he's had a bad day.
He's also aggrophobic - that's why he likes pubs.
Happy Birthday, Gordon :P
Gordon isn't available to answer your message at the moment, probably because he's lying in a pool of his own vomit in a prison cell just outside Frankfurt.
That, or he hasn't seen it yet.
Or he's lying in a pool of someone else's vomit.
of course...
seen that before...
but after i scratched my entire face friday night i actually look a bit like gordon a year ago...
so take this as a spiritual cogratulation :P
hi happy birthday , so you are another acuario, seem to meet a few of those recently
have a good one and have a beer on me cheers
Flo, what the fuck happened? Were you afraid of being too good looking for Birmingham?
Nice to have you here!
It was my friend Gordon's (65th!!!)Birthday on Monday, but he hasn't been near a computer since then so we're still awaiting his jocular response to having a whole post in his honour - and hopefully it'll be worth the wait, otherwise it could get nasty...
"3 bears on th ePiss with a Scottish langer"...
Somebody slept in mye vomit......
and somebody slept in MY vomit!!
BUT!!! who the fuck is sleeping in MY FUCKING vomit???!!!
...ah well that picture has scrolled a bit further down th epage now, i dotn have to see the fat fuck anymore
kinda afraid, but after a week everything is back to normal :P
At least the wheater is nicer here than at home :P
flo, just FUCK, while you'rte still young. Or, go to camden market and ask an african dude...
Thankyou all for the kind wishes on the anniversary of my birth. It is extemely gratifying to know that so many quality people care enough to take time out from their worthless and shameful existences to wish me a happy birthday.
You fools ! Don't you realise that I see through Gero's plot to get him and and an infinite number of his mates pissed, at my expense, for the rest of eternity (however short that may be cut by super-turbocharged suicide bombers). Talking of which, did you nick my supply of WMDs Simon ? The ones I got at a Souk in Basrah during my summer holidays three years ago ? I have searched everywhere except in Anki's nickers for them. But none of my many assistants found them there either.
Flo: go to The Duke of Marlborough in St. John's Wood. There isnt any weed there but the Duke might help you out if you suck his dick. Or go to Jimmy's Pub in Kilburn and ask for Harry or Harry's Pub in Putney and ask for Jimmy or even to The Bull in Barnes and ask anyone. The result will be the same in all venues. Everyone will say, " fuck off you German bastard". But don't mention the war !
As it is now almost time to celebrate my NEXT birthday I have fuck all else to say except, "it's your fucking round Geraghty, ya tik, yes TIK, paddy.
An' anither thing. You jis fuckan remember tae treat old people wi' a bit mair fuckin' respect.
Gordonius Appollonnarriss Rex.
prolonged absence brought about by cack foto and nursing sick fish.
who today died :(
so, looking for electronic fish projects, i came across
The Dancing Bush!
much less fun than "bush" itself, n more fun than gettiung IN a bush (from what I can rememebr) and cosiderably less, regligioulsy inflammatory than the christian "burning bush" *cough* in todays , modern (psychotic?) atmosphere
anyway, go dance
and Flo!? thought u were humping charlies sprog sister?
Öch Gorrrrdin, ye'r just a big jessie!
Swhepngkletwat, yes flo is, as you so eloquently implied, enjoying the company of Charlotte's sister, in England (which is in Wales).
Is that one of your chat up lines?
"Can I hump your sprog sister?"
And another thing Gordon, it's YOUR round, you tight Scottish bastard.
Scotland lost today, by the way, and had a man sent off for kicking somebody in the head. Nice.
yes yes yess!! and WHOOOOO did they loose too! MWAAA HAAAA HAAAA#..one day , all your chidren will hav ered hair and speak with forked tongue!
as for kicking A WEKSHMAN IN THE HEAD.........WELL!!
i simply cant associate with thatm who on earth could relate to that eh?...mmm, ypou got any english blokes around 9who ARE NOT from a country iwithin scotland) ??
have you?. :D
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