stag night

Dun Laoghaire takes over Karlsruhe as Phil and Derham turn up (giddily),
and the Karlsruhe English speaking community's male contingent will take the piss
out of me and more than likely publicly humiliate me in some unimaginable way.
So be it. Bring it on...
(First leg of our "Hochzeit" is on Saturday, parents flying in Friday,
Germany playing Argentina at 5pm, country losing plot, world meltdown imminent...)
fuck.I've truly lost my mantle......
you TWAT!!!
why th efuck didnt you tell me , you
fecking great eeeejit!!
I'd have coem over!......
THATs why you didnt tell me......
well make the most of it ... once married , you wd def experience a meltdown
all the best
and god bless you ..;-)
btw, whats ewith all these fuckign weddings anyway??
Us single blokes no good for yo uany longer huh?..
in pairs!
poor you , you will never get married. wd you ?
unless is a twintwart . ha ha
I see madam has the rage about her...
.bit like a pub brawl this, rolling form room to room!
have fun :-)
hola gero
was thinking of visiting ian,since i know you know him.
do you think is that a good idea?
or do you think i am mad .
forget the second question since i know the answer.
i think we are like a chalk and cheese ,it could be fun. it could be a nightmare...
well, looking at my track record with the opposite sex......
!welcome to Elm Street,,,er, WaLeS, yes, thats what I meant, ummm,
.....yes, thats it
wtf is gero?
england is gone germany gone :)
viva the latin connection . we are the best in europe
....South America........
........Latin America?.........
I like it! Good job. Go on.
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