we're back...

Peace y'all - we're back after a holiday which words fail miserably in even coming close to describing - so why bother trying? It was special. Meanwhile, Dave you langer - sorry we didn't get to catch up with you in Jackeensville, we were literally only there for an afternoon - but we'll catch you at chrimbo and we can compare wives! Germany, in the meantime, continues to rock like Jimi Hendrix doing a guest appearance at a Led Zeppelin gig - Ja, das ist gut...!
Nice Sandals!
and when are you out to play next? ohh, and I feel like crap, but hey, never mind......
Im sure Ill stop crapping at some point.........
I'll be back out when I'm good and ready. You look and smell like crap too.
why thank you!
your simply too kind...at least I I now know why I was ill, a bad case of smelly crapness!
anway, Im still rumbling but feeling a little better today (ie, not awake all night, dreaming of mudslides) and have been taking advantage of this time to do some coding and web page bollux.......
so, watch this space.
see, time spent not getting laid is SOOOo productive°!
oooh I hope that wasnt who I think it was
Weirdly, it was some bullshitty spam-esque type crap with three links to fuck knows what. Meanwhile stop being a shit stirrer you twat.
ooh! such a choice!! wow
I can t wait to take out a loan in order to take out a huge health insurance before I buy shitloads of fartamines .and then pay it all back via the nice home equity loan that th edebt consolidation people advised me too take out.
now, if Only I could PlEAse Ur W0m@n with the NEW WONDER DRUG to stop me being the "lIItle Man"...........
wot bollux!
whoever the fuck that was can fuck rightly off in a large and major way. So there.
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