Bren R.I.P.

Today I got some very sad news (from Templeton's sister, as it happens) that a very good old friend of mine, who had been "on the missing list" (as he'd say himself) died under mysterious circumstances somewhere in London. He was a seeker. To know him was to love him. He'll be missed... (even if he was already missing). Thanks for the memories Bren man.
bum, sorry man.
one of my old hippy mates died th eother week too, form a abrain heammorage.
damn, if only I'd called up to glastonbury sooner....
I know th efeeling.
that was Brian, he lived in a abender.
Sorry to hear that ian. yeah, it's shocking isn't it. Poor old bren always skated close to the edge. We'll keep the lunacy flag flying... twat
yeah, he was special. I've been thinking about him all day, going over all the different memories - he lived with me in 3 different gaffs over the years...
it's funny - we had so many conversations about the meaning of life and death and everything - and now he knows the truth about death - one way or the other - maybe he'll contact me on my next magick mushroom trip! I was saying to Tania - i learnt so much from the guy - more than he knew.
...and Daniel O'Donnell of course.
Yeah Bren was one of the people, when I was starting to realise what horseshit Irish society and its perception of truth was, who was a few years ahead of me on that path and had shelves full of interesting books and outlandish ideas. I still have a few books here that he gave me (he was a world class shop lifter!). I just talked to Claire again. He is buried in London somewhere - a wake will happen at some stage.
strange isnt it........:|
just what does an image capture?
just light?, or?........
best wishes Bren, Maybe the Native American indians were onto something
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
I have to admit, that guy in th eback, look sscarily like bert, form "bert and Ernie", sesame street I wonder if thats why he grew a beard
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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