Claptrap, Poppycock & Tomfoolery with Gero...
...Codswallop, Balderdash, Twaddle, Drivel and Tripe.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Munich there we went

So the good news is - it's a fucking amazing stadium. The bad news? We lost 2 - 0, and played crrrrrap - even if their first goal was offside and their penalty shouldn't have been a penalty, and our disallowed goal should have been allowed - so we should 've won 1 - 0. Still, ho hum. A good time was had by all nevertheless - debauchery in general - Herr Flyyn leading the Germans on the bus in song is one of many highlights, along with Flo's hair, Don's mysterious injury and managing to find the bus after the match. It's a funny old game.