Saturday, January 21, 2006

Rant No.1

I always wanted to know what the fuck it is that everyone else wanted to know. Did anybody ever really know? We seem to battle with ourselves, and each other. Without doubt, it is all subjective and relative and transient. We all die anyway. Some of us try to figure out what the fuck it is that keeps us going, what keeps us from ending it all. “Suicide is easy.” It is easy. Maybe there are better things to do with your life than just end it by your own hand. But what is better? Live life as an experiment? ...Just keep going until you formulate or articulate something that may help somebody else stay alive long enough to help somebody else stay alive long enough ….. repeat ad lib till fade…… So for example, we can try like a bastard to articulate precisely how hard it may seem to bother your better judgment to stay alive in this farce that calls itself modern society where everything is judged by its’ financial value… FUCK THAT. That’s not what keeps people alive. That’s what makes people kill themselves. Because the truth is that we’ve been lied to from the day we were born. Not blaming the parents (who worked with what they knew - love). But should’nt we, their offspring, have learned something they didn’t have the chance to learn? Possibly, we’ve learned that we should be less judgmental. We are all only human, after all. So maybe we should be easy on ourselves, and each other. And where does that leave us? Right where we started - wondering what the fuck it’s all about. So you wake up in the morning with the responsibilities that you have to deal with and then what? You try to get through life the best you can, and you’re tired at the end, and somewhat less altruistic than different parts of the day found you (tired, hungry, apathetic, enthusiastic, apologetic, pathetic…) Alright already, go to bed, stay smiling… Shutthefuckup.


Caption for this picture?

Friday, January 20, 2006

wogan wig

Some good old fashioned silliness. Jolly good.

The old ones are the best.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Did you ever have one of those oddball days?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

human upgrade, anyone..?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Lice, the You-Knee-Furs à Neverysink

This is what Douglas Adams had to say about something that has been floating around my head for a while - thirty odd years or so probably... "I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting. But it does mystify me that otherwise inteligent people take it seriously."

That's the neck of the woods from where my thoughts would be coming. If you try to think objectively about religion in general, it seem like one big piss-take. The Dalai Lama says all religions point to the same truth. Point. Not tell the truth but point to it. Maybe the truth isn't tellable. Maybe that's not true. What thinks you?

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Bullshit, Jism and Nuts

More from "English as a Second F*cking Language"...

As a noun, bullshit means nonsense or fakery. As a verb, it means to try to trick someone through
using bullshit. As a stand-alone term, it is a rebuttal to such bullshitting.


Barney: I'll have that money for you first thing tomorrow,
and that's no bullshit.

Fred: Bullshit! That's what you said yesterday.
Don't try to bullshit an old bullshitter.

... is the source of all human existence, and impossible to remove from suede. There are a number of variant spellings. Among them are: gizm, jizzum, and jissom. There's also the shortened form: jizz or giz. No one knows the origin of the word. One of our panelists notes that it rhymes with "prism". The rest of us say "So what?"

This term is almost as common as "balls". The term also describes someone who is crazy (or Welsh).
Don't confuse the two.


Dafydd: Ian is crazy. He stood there on the podium in front of
the TV cameras scratching his nuts.
Llewelyn: His nuts?
Dafydd: His nuts!

Llewelyn: He's nuts!