Saturday, March 25, 2006

9/11 Can of Worms

Just to piss Ian and Paul off and reopen this can of worms,
have a look a this - newsworthy via a celebrity (and a gimp)...
Charlie Sheen comes out, Matt Damon says "I'm Matt Damon".

Friday, March 24, 2006

real simpsons

Check this out

Wüühüüü, it's Friday ! ! !


Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A Hicksism...

Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Paddy's Weekend

The day after Paddy's Day, as if to once and for all conclusively proove that God himself is indeed Irish, Ireland beat England in the rugby. Grand.