Tea, anyone?
Pictured left: A nice cup of tea, yesterday. Believe it or believe it not, friends and neighbours, it would seem that some of the crazed and loony postings on this here just-out-of-the-womb blog are not everyone's cup of tea. Ideal. "When critics disagree the artist is in accord with himself" wrote Oscar Wilde - he also said "Bitches be trippin" in reference to Miami, according to Uncyclopedia. Anyfeckingway - ian, it seems you're a twat - this is not exactly breaking news; phil - nipples for men? anonymous - I love alot of the poems and songs you've written over the years and it's an honour to have you post on my blog; Cyril Bridlington - whatevvvver, you racialist. Don't I have some porn with you in it? Dave O'Reilly; don't you owe ian a blow up sheep from a drunken bet? Rumsfeld? Schmumsfeld!
Bloggedy Blogedy MacBligiddy O'Blag
ah sure jeasuz tiz yerself again arra now what would ya be doin wastin yer time with this shite when there's so much other shite to be wasting your time with like, at_all@all... so today's transpirations: michel's lying on a beach in goa, india - niiiiice; dave langer and ian twat are kissing and making up - aaaahhh; scruffy shagged nadine - aledgedly; paul and his lady friend are pondering life back in the auld cun tree - fairy nuff; phil the great steaming nit has got a blog now too, as well as something to smoke courtesy of the bangkok police - rastafari; ice skating in germany is ill advised - ooh, topical; and you're never fully dressed without a smirk, you berk.
Pffffffffffhhhhhh - so, one could not be arsed NOT having a blog as everyone else has and it seeems like a bit of a buzz so here it is. Where do ya start? First the earth cooled, then the dinosaurs came, then died and turned into oil, arabs in mercedes sold them... blah blah bloggedy blog blog... it's monday, the beginning of the week and the month and the year - let's see where we go from here... our cat Samuel Longhorn Clemens (or "Sam" for short) is running around like a proverbial blue arsed fly, and why not, crap German telly echoes in the background and I sip tea. Tee hee hee. Any questions? There will be a test later.